Sign up for our next trip!
If you enjoyed this trip report, you may want to sign up for trip reports for our next trip! Here's the deal:
It's Free!
It doesn't cost you anything. We'd love to find a way to make money at this, but we haven't yet figured out how. Maybe we'll get a MacArthur Foundation grant.
It's Live!
We send the reports once a day during the trip, so you get to read about it as it happens. If you want to send us mail, we'll get it on the road, and you could even get your mail in our trip reports (since most of our mail is more interesting than the trip reports!).
It's Private!
We'll send the reports in such a way that you don't know who else gets it (and no one else knows that you get it). We also don't know anyone who wants a mailing list, so you won't get any (other) junk mail.
At this time, we don't know where our next trip will be (although we're talking about maybe going to Ireland and Scotland). If you have a suggestions, fire away!
To sign up, just send us an e-mail. Nothing is automated, so you can say something like "Hey! Put me on the list!" and you'll get on the list.
If you later come to your senses, just send us another e-mail saying "I have better things to do with my life!" and we'll take you off.
Send us e-mail