Gather round, young 'uns and I'll tell you of the great snowstorm of ought eight, when
it snowed and snowed and we had to sit inside and drink coffee and surf the net! It
was primitive, I'll tell you! Following are some pictures that Robert took, because
he's insane and wanted to leave the comfort and security of our home to wander around
in the cold. And the usual drill--click on the pictures to see really big versions of

From our front door towards the dock--it's snowing! |

Laura's awesomeness shines through and blinds the
camera |

Laura sitting inside all snug and wondering about
the sanity of her husband |

Our front porch (with bird feeder and wind chimes on
the right) |

The pathway down to the lake |

When I used the flash, it mostly lit up the
snowflakes, so I eventually quit using it |

Looking towards the house (we're in the basement,
with the nice warm light on) |

There's a sailboat parked at the dock, but mostly
you see snowflakes, because I was still using the flash |

View from the dock looking back towards the house |

Looking towards the neighbor's houses |

Now you can see the sailboat |

Guess canoeing season is over, huh? |

We were getting really tired of the "reporters" on
TV scuffing the snow with their boots and saying, "Gosh, it looks, I don't
know, four or five inches I guess." So this is how you do it, guys:
1. Get a ruler
2. Stick it in the snow
3. Look at what it says
This ruler says there were two inches of snow on our
front porch |

And three inches in the side yard |