Mid-Life Crisis Trip |
Entry 8: Interview with an entrepreneurSaturday, June 03, 20069:12 amWe're breakfasted, checked our mail and found our way to the Starbucks in Bend where we're to meet Felice (she later apologized for the whole Starbucks thing but it was the only place she could think of to meet). Because we're early, we decide to wander around downtown Bend. It's pretty clear that there's been quite a bit of effort put into tarting up the place. We count any number of places with the word "bistro" in their name (versus "diner," featured by your non-tarted-up downtowns). There's even one place that offers both a "bistro" and a "wine bar." There's a group of Boy Scouts that are busy installing flags along the main street. Well, more accurately, they're watching grownups dig holes and install flag stands, and then the Boy Scouts stop chasing each other long enough to come over and put a flag in the holder. We ask one of the grown-ups about it, and they say that this is the "Parade of Flags" done eight times a year. We're unclear on what makes it a "parade" since they're all American flags and they're pretty much stationary, with only a bit of flapping in the breeze. 10:05 amFelice shows up, almost on time (or, as Robert says, "Late! Late! LATE!"). She turns out to be a nice person who's about our age—and therefore wise with the years. 2:30 pmJesus, Mary and Joseph! We are just now wrapping up the job interview, having repaired to an Indian restaurant for lunch where we continue the the interview. Felice did apologize for the length of the interview and said that she doesn't like to rely on first impressions, and so likes to take the time to really talk to people. We don't mind talking to people, but since we're both basically introverts, talking (especially about ourselves) and listening intently for four and a half hours is pretty close to the same as running a marathon, only without all the sweat and puking. One of the good things to come out of the interview is discovering that Felice will take care of our housing, which will make our meager salary ($783 each—before taxes) go a little further. We'll probably also get our COBRA (healthcare) payment covered. Laura is psyched that we get a 1% to 3% cost of living increase through the year. Also, we heard about some of the projects she's working on, including:
Also, she's working on putting together a deal with another person to cover the cost of one of the positions. We'll probably be "shared" between the two of them, but the other lady is "very interested in Robert's skill set" ("And I haven't even talked to her on the phone!" smirked Robert). So it looks like Robert won't be hacking into computer networks and then offering them "protection" from the hackers. So, we (and probably you) asked: do we get the job? Well, she needs to go off and process the interview (she's one of those people who need to do things like that). She's finished with interviewing people (there's also some college kids we're competing against) and has to mull things over. But she promised she'd have an answer by Wednesday, so Robert is convinced we can start packing up all our crap (again) and getting ready to move to lovely Bend, OR. 4:47 pm
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